Be a Part of Wisteria Events and Community
Wisteria is an amazing community and we are always looking for new members or old friends. We would love for you to join us to make this magical community stronger and grow.

Wisteria is an amazing community and we are always looking for new members or old friends. We would love for you to join us to make this magical community stronger and grow.
The work and play that happens during events is only the tip of the iceberg. Work happens throughout the year at Wisteria. Each year, we choose a few weekends where we invite volunteers to come on down and join us in helping to keep Wisteria going. Sometimes it’s cleaning and preparing for the festival season, and sometimes it’s major projects, but we always have great fun with it. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to make friends and really get to know your fellow community members away from the frantic pace of festival. Admission is free if you give us five hours of work a day, and the rest of the time is yours. Evenings range from wild nights at Paw Paw, to quiet times listening to the woodland critters.
Wisteria offers a work barter program for free entry into an event. As a volunteer, you also receive first choice of camping spots, free early entry, and other perks. In exchange, we ask work barter volunteers to arrive the day or evening before events begin, show up on time for their 4 to 5 hour daily shifts, and stay through the last day of the event. While the volunteer experience is a commitment, it also provides a deeper connection with the community and the opportunity to be part of a great team facilitating a fantastic festival experience. Apply here to become a work barter volunteer.
Vending space is available during certain events. Come experience Wisteria and make money doing it!
Workshops at events are a wonderful way to share knowledge among our community. It is up to us to educate each other and spread our joys and passions. If you are enthusiastic about a thing, chances are someone else in the community will share that enthusiasm. Please consider becoming a part of our sharing and learning community by offering a workshop or class.